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Welcome to the Barnstorming Sports Tours

Soccer Connection

Barnstorming Soccer Flag BallBarnstorming began as early aerialists flew into local farms and negotiated with the owner for use of the field.   In the 1920s barnstorming was a way for basketball and baseball teams to travel around and play the locals. Today, our youth soccer teams often travel to play three or four tournaments games in a 24 hour period.  This teaches players to work when they have to and rest when they don't. Unfortunately, that carries over into regular season play.

The alternative is a barnstorming tour. A barnstorming tour takes a soccer team on the road for a number of games over a week or two. Games are friendlies with local soccer teams on the tour route.  The games are often played during regular practice time. This way, the team only plays one game a day and can play all out, more like regular season games.

Barnstorming Soccer Aeropostale stampBarnstorming Soccer is intended as a resource for teams interested in participating in barnstorming.  Team contact information is available as well as rankings, local hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers, and tour information.

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Last updated: 8/28/07.